At the core of our faith is the concept of belief, that is ideas we hold as truths about ourselves, the world, and God. The beliefs we hold as Christians form not only how we think, but how we act. Thus it’s important to be intentional about what we believe and how we articulate it.
Creeds, like the Apostle’s and Nicene Creeds are ancient articulations of Christian beliefs that have been used by individuals and communities over millennia. The word creed comes from the Latin word Credo, which directly translates as I believe. Thus creeds serve as statements of belief.
This fall we’ll embark on a 6 week exploration of core Christian beliefs and why they matter. The Apostle’s Creed will be our guide as it has been a confession of our faith since the early centuries of the Church and it is well known by so many of us. We’ll engage the Apostle’s Creed through a sermon series and through an accompanying reading and discussion of the book Creed, by Adam Hamilton.
We’ll have two opportunities each week to join in discussion around that week’s sermon and reading from the book Creed. One will be on Sunday evenings at 7pm via Zoom and the other will be Wednesday afternoons at 1pm in person at the church. We ask that you sign up outside the office or through this form to participate in a discussion group.
When you sign up you can also order a book for $12. If you’d like to order a book we ask that you do so by Sunday September 22nd so that we can make sure to have your books to you in time for the start of the series.
The Sermon series and Zoom discussion group will begin on Sunday Oct. 13th and go through Sunday Nov. 17th. The in person discussion group will begin Wednesday Oct. 16th and go through Wednesday Nov. 20th.
We hope you’ll consider exploring this ancient creed of the Christian faith with us this fall as we consider together what we believe and why it matters.
Christ’s Peace be with you,
Pastor Brian
