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Pastor Brian

March 6th is Ash Wednesday, a day when we begin the season of Lent; recommitting ourselves to turn from sin towards the way of Jesus and remembering our mortality. During Lent many choose to fast; giving up some habit, food, or practice. In tandem with a fast or instead of one some will take up a practice for the season, adding extra prayer, mediation, study, or charity to their daily lives.

This year we have several options at BPC for Lenten practice. There are Lenten devotionals in the Narthex available one per family courtesy of the Education and Youth Committee. The Mission Committee has a Lenten Activity Calendar that can be followed with a different Creation Care focused activity for each day of the season. You can also join me in reading through the entire New Testament over the season. Below you will find the readings divided up over all of Lent starting on Ash Wednesday and ending on Holy Saturday. You’ll notice that there are no readings on Sundays, this is because a typical Lenten fast does not include Sundays, so you can use the day to rest from reading, or to catch up if you get behind. Whether you pick one of these practices or choose a different practice or fast I hope you will engage the season of Lent and see how an intentional spiritual practice might transform you and draw you closer to God. Blessings on your Lenten Journey!

-Pastor Brian

New Testament Reading Schedule

Wed. 3/6 Matthew 1-7

Thurs. 3/7 Matt. 8-12

Fri. 3/8 Matt. 13-18

Sat. 3/9 Matt. 19-24

Mon. 3/11 Matt. 25-end

Tues. 3/12 Mark 1-5

Wed. 3/13 Mark 6-11

Thurs. 3/14 Mark 12-end

Fri. 3/15 Luke 1-4

Sat. 3/16 Luke 5-8

Mon. 318 Luke 9-12

Tues. 3/19 Luke 13-19

Wed. 3/20 Luke 20-end

Thurs. 3/21 John 1-5

Fri. 3/22 John 6-9

Sat. 3/23 John 10-14

Mon. 3/25 John 15-end

Tues. 3/26 Acts 1-6

Wed. 3/27 Acts 7-11

Thurs. 3/28 Acts 12-17

Fri. 3/29 Acts 18-23

Sat. 3/30 Acts 24-end

Mon. 4/1 Romans 1-8

Tues. 4/2 Romans 9-end

Wed. 4/3 1Cor. 1-8

Thur. 4/4 1Cor. 9-end

Fri. 4/5 2Cor. 1-end

Sat. 4/6 Gal. 1-end

Mon. 4/8 Eph. 1-end

Tues. 4/9 Philippians & Colossians

Wed. 4/10 1 & 2 Thessalonians

Thurs. 4/11 1 & 2 Timothy

Fri. 4/12 Titus, Philemon, & Hebrews 1-7

Sat. 4/13 Hebrews 8-end

Mon. 4/15 James

Tues. 4/16 1 & 2 Peter

Wed. 4/17 1, 2, 3 John & Jude

Thurs. 4/18 Rev. 1-7

Fri. 4/19 Rev. 8-16

Sat. 4/20 Rev. 17-end



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